RT @GiveSendGo@twitter.com
Love that we get 40+ comments and twitter shows half of the hate ones then marks the other as "maybe offensive" and when we go to view- its all our supporters. When you try to manipulate people it just looks bad on you. We can see what you're doing- Everyone can.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GiveSendGo/status/1489772322273828870
RT @andrewdbrooks@twitter.com
Businesses shuttered? They should be making bank! https://twitter.com/mariekewalsh/status/1489746583029792772
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andrewdbrooks/status/1489819049227739136
RT @Bret_Sears@twitter.com
(1/4) Powerful speech on the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms by Brian Peckford, the last surviving member who helped write it back in 1981.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bret_Sears/status/1489065773788188676
RT @EloVeut@twitter.com
Bravo @Jerome_bg@twitter.com !! Tu nous représentes bien outre mer! Et merci Berkoff de parler de nos camionneurs et du mouvement. https://twitter.com/SudRadio/status/1489223459540549632
Salut Masse critique !
#RadioMasseCritique - Épisode 3 - 1er février 2022
- Le procès international du Comité Corona débute le 5 février
- Le dioxyde de chlore : un espoir pour les vaccinés ?
- Investigation : efficacité négative des « vaccins » ?
RT @LibertyCCanada@twitter.com
Prime Ministers speech vs reality. #truckersforfreedom #truckersconvoy2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LibertyCCanada/status/1488612178391408640
RT @EloVeut@twitter.com
Juste pour clarifier pour les frustrés qui utilisent le #gohome et qui comprennent rien à ce qui se passe à Ottawa: les klaxons arrêtent la nuit, par respect pour les résidents. J’ai dormi au Centre Ville et c’était tres silencieux.
RT @HBuzzetti@twitter.com
Le texte le plus posé et le plus nuancé que j’ai lu sur le sujet. Il faut prendre les camionneurs au sérieux - Opinions | QUB https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2022/01/29/il-faut-prendre-les-camionneurs-au-serieux
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HBuzzetti/status/1487537025360216065
Anyway I put it, I cannot to this day deny that the COVID vaccines actually prevent hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths to some level. Not that I didn't try. And I'll keep trying.
Furthermore, if the incidence "revealed" by these furtive graphs could at most be used to cover short-term side effects by masquerading them into COVID, the numbers lose most (if they had any) significance when related to the huge number of administered doses.
Sincere #apologies for freaking out with this tweet, if anyone cares. After further analysis of the data, it turns out the incidence "revealed" is not significative, and the curves simply reflect the general historical incidence of the virus at the time people got vaccinated.
ATTENTION PLEASE @EloVeut@twitter.com @denisrancourt@twitter.com @CarolineLessar8@twitter.com @NickBesner@twitter.com @jordanbpeterson@twitter.com @joerogan@twitter.com
This is MASSIVE. It entirely confirms the hypothesis I was already working on: the VX effectiveness is NEGATIVE; the incidence they claim to prevent are actually caused by the VX shots themselves. Period. Read on, folks, this is a game changer!
RT @CrohnieGaming@twitter.com
@mdccclxx@twitter.com @YourAlberta@twitter.com @stillgray@twitter.com @thevivafrei@twitter.com https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/alberta-canada-inadvertently-published-quickly-deleted-health-data-exposing-half-vaccinated-deaths-counted-unvaccinated/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CrohnieGaming/status/1485427875570356225
RT @lovenotgov@twitter.com
@mrmrgeneticman@twitter.com @mdccclxx@twitter.com Most adversd reactions occur within days after the injection. You get injected, get a heart condition, end up in hospital recorded as unvaccinated. Rinse. Repeat.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lovenotgov/status/1485639858055909376
Je ne suis pas certain que tout le monde va être en mesure de réaliser la magnitude du scandale que ces données révèlent...
RT @mdccclxx@twitter.com
RT @MichaelPSenger@twitter.com
Incredible footage of the 100,000-strong protest against vaccine passes and COVID tyranny today in Brussels, Belgium.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelPSenger/status/1485370859376103425
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