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Deuxième partie de l'entrevue avec Patrick Provost, professeur et chercheur suspendu de ses fonctions par l'Université Laval pour avoir émis des doutes sur le bien-fondé de la campagne de vaccination COVID, en particulier pour les enfants. Partie 2 de 3. @steph @Jocelyn_C @biguenique

@ademalsasa @blacklight Yes, you are, it has been the case forever, at least around here. Also today, an news article (in French) explicitely stated that Apple is now jumping in the lobbying arena towards Quebec's education system:

@chiefbongo @blacklight @nextcloud Oh man! This would have gotten me so angry! Hands off Free Software, corporate appropriators!

#NextCloud CEO and founder Frank Karlitschek was approached by a #Microsoft lawyer earlier this year to make a deal.

In the meeting, the Microsoft correspondent offered benefits in the form of collaboration and marketing to Nextcloud. For example, they wanted to promote the Nextcloud logo in Microsoft marketing material – if Nextcloud would consider dropping its anti-trust complaint.

Microsoft used to be a company of jerks, liars and cheaters 40 years ago, it remains a company of jerks, liars and cheaters today.

@jpfox Intéressant. Oblige à prendre en compte la psychologie et l'intelligence (supposées) de l'ensemble de l'échantillon. Y'a une hypothèse théorique derrière ça ? (je peux attendre la fin du sondage pour une réponse!)

RT Un vaccin douteux à des enfants qui sont zéro en danger.

Ce serait pour protéger Grand Papa qui a 4 doses 😳

Place de débiles 💊

Bravo aux parents de débarquer de ce cirque.




As a PhD physicist, and proven interdisciplinary scientist, I can say that this MP is authentic, understands what she is saying, and is correct!
How often does that occur with complex arguments?
The has real talent, IMO.


RT So, in essence, it appears virtually no death reductions could be attributed to vacs? And if I read the charts right, an increase in excessive deaths in the 25 to 45 age group? The group that had an expected Vid survival rate of approx 100%.


Patrick Provost est l’un des rares scientifiques québécois qui a eu le courage d’exprimer ouvertement une opinion scientifique qui va à l’encontre du narratif gouvernemental concernant les risques des injections sur les .

Patrick Provost est l’un des rares scientifiques québécois qui a eu le courage d’exprimer ouvertement une opinion scientifique qui va à l’encontre du narratif gouvernemental concernant les risques des injections COVID sur les enfants. Partie 1 de 3. @steph @Jocelyn_C @biguenique

"Within the past few years, we have seen multiple large-scale data breaches involving companies like and . Yet, we rarely see the bigger picture."


This is actually correct logic, which is mostly not admitted or understood by experts on both sides:
The definite risk of certain injection must be compared to the uncertain risk of harm from uncertain infection.
Instead, they do apples and oranges.



🚀Bip-bip! Sputnik est à nouveau en orbite!

Chers lecteurs, soyez les bienvenus sur la page Sputnik Afrique! Vous y trouverez les actus des pays du continent africain, de la Russie, de la France et du monde entier.

Abonnez-vous, commentez, partagez avec vos proches et vos amis!


With Europe melting away under unprecedented heat, one of the best ways to lower tempretures and protect soil and foliage from dry out is by planting trees and other plants and restoring forests and meadows. There are a few ways to do this, community gardening groups are becoming more popular, there's also a service called Bee Bombs that sells seeds to turn private gardens into wild flower patches for bees. And the ecosia search engine uses ad revenue to fund tree planting 150million+ so far.

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