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« - Papa c'est quoi l'effondrement écologique ?
- C'est simple, c'est ça.
- Et la lutte des classes ?
- C'est la même chose. »


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covid, sondage 3/3 

Définition du covid long : un ou plusieurs symptômes du covid apparu ou persistant plus de 21 jours après les premiers symptômes (ou l'infection si asymptomatique).


Si vous avez eu le covid, pensez-vous avoir fait un covid long ?

(🍀 Si vous ne l'avez pas eu, cochez "non")

covid, sondage 2/3 

Depuis le début de la pandémie, pensez-vous avoir eu le Covid plus d'une fois ?

covid, sondage 1/3 

Depuis le début de la pandémie, pensez-vous avoir eu le #Covid ?

J'avais même pas vu que le compte du Dr Martin Zizi, épidémiologiste, (MartinZ_uncut sur twitter) a été supprimé.
On devrait faire la somme des comptes des chercheurs reconnus qui se sont fait bannir des réseaux sociaux depuis 2 ans, c'est hallucinant! 😮
#censure #martinzizi #covid #épidémiologie

@nicfab Just stumbled on this (in French) :
Apparently, the in-app browser can steal your passwords and whatever you type in. Makes sense.

@sebsauvage J'arrive à voir une colonne supplémentaire en profondeur en "défocussant", mais pas de cercle en vue... Est-ce la bonne image ?

Voilà un peu plus de 6 à 8 mois que nous savons (nous les #complotistes) que la pression sur la population va s'accentuer entre septembre et décembre.
Notre président vient d'envoyer une petite phrase comme il sait si bien le faire : 'c'est la guerre x7!'. Ha non pas celle là... 'vous allez devoir ouvrir les yeux!'... Ce suspens #terroriste insoutenable nous laisse fantasmer: #pass #penurie #secheresse #virus #immigration ... #attentats ?
Spoiler alert: perte de #liberté .

TikTok surveille tout ce que vous tapez, y compris vos mots de passe.

TikTok, l’application préférée des 18-25 ans, est capable de surveiller tout ce que vous tapez sur l’écran de votre smartphone par le biais de son navigateur intégré.

Le réseau social chinois est notamment capable d’obtenir vos mots de passe ou vos numéros de carte de crédit.

Troisième et dernière partie de l'entrevue avec Patrick Provost, professeur et chercheur a eu l'insupportable culot de questionner et de mettre en doute l'indiscutable. Un exemple à suivre pour tous ceux et celles qui sont figés par la peur à l'idée de prendre la parole. @steph @Jocelyn_C @biguenique

@Gidi Je suis sur une instance que j'ai déployée moi-même -- et que je n'ai pas mise à jour depuis, je l'admet ! Mais vu d'ici tout semble bien fonctionner, quoique je sois peut-être encore trop novice (et que j'aie encore trop peu de contacts actifs) pour me rendre compte si quelque chose cloche...

@Blort @nextcloud

I love #NextCloud and actually made a featured video for about them. I've long said, some of the bigger names in the open-source community like Canonical, Mozilla, and NextCloud really should be making a presence in the PeerTube ecosystem, to support an alternative from YouTube. We'd be happy to have them at TILvids of course, but if they start their own instance(s) that would be good too.


Btw, I believe that #AI has hit a philosophical wall that technology alone cannot move.

When I started working on AI in the mid 2000s, it was still all about expert systems, decision trees that modeled first-order logic, onthologies, and graph exploration to come up with a best strategy to solve a problem.

That generation of AI could already solve impressive problems, but it was limited by the amount of knowledge that humans could put into it to describe all the possible combinations of a complex problem, or all the possible logically valid propositions, or all the grammar rules of a language.

It was a purely reasoning-based AI. Deterministic, reliable, but its utility was constrained by the amount of logical and algorithmic rules that humans could put into it.

Then computing became cheaper and more scalable, data for big corporations became cheaper and scalable as well, and neural networks, largely forgotten for nearly 25 years, got their moment. We suddenly got statistical systems that could figure out patterns and rules from labeled data, without a human explicitly encoding them into a graph. And we really thought that we had solved the problem of AI. But then you get systems that can recognize a human and a stop sign individually, but don't know what to do when they are together - because it was never trained to deal with such an unusual combination, or even told what the real meaning of a stop sign is.

Deep learning trashed away decades of reasoning-based expert systems to focus on empirical models trained through statistical pattern matching, but in doing so it created parrots that can talk about anything without even understanding what they're talking about.

It's again the long-lived clash between rationalism and empirism. In spite of the technology, these problems have been around at least since the times of Plato. Do we through deduction (we learn the basic building blocks of reality, and then we learn how to logically connect them together in increasingly complex structures), or do we learn through experience (by observing and replicating things again and again, measuring the feedback, and gradually converging towards a local optimum that statistically minimizes the odds of error)?

Well, it turns out that we may need both, but we can't make such a big theoretical leap in understanding how machines (and even humans) learn while the whole field is in the hands of a handful of companies mostly interested in doing small iterative improvements over their existing imperfect models, with little to no incentives to take big risks required to really push the industry forward.

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so. hello, new followers! I was a bit intimidated by my followercount going up by about 1/6 after @FediFollows boosted me, so to mitigate my intimidatedness (which is a real word, probably!) I made a doodle thingy based on your avatars. sorry people with photos, you'll probably not recognize yourselves, but I promise I tried :D

* brian eno - taking tiger mountain (by strategy) as suggested by @ernstd
* primus - frizzle fry as chosen by me

#mastoart #wimmelbild #doodle #lineart

@Gidi C'est peut-être un problème d'instance... Y'a pas mal de mécanique sous le capot ! Vaut peut-être mieux faire suivre le signalement à ton administrateur.

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