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🔴Ce médecin australien raconte les pressions qu'il a subies et demande pardon pour ne pas avoir signalé les effets indésirables des injections : "Je donnais plus d'importance à mon travail, à ma famille, à ma sécurité et à mes finances qu'à mes patients"
📢 ⚡️⚡️⚡️



Les femmes s'adaptent aux burqas
Les esclaves s'adaptent aux chaines
Les oiseaux s'adaptent aux cages


«Je pense que la machine va s'arrêter quand les gens vont dire : ça suffit !»
Retour vers le réel : ne ratez pas la 3e et dernière partie de l'entrevue avec

Les piscines municipales qui ferment, les voitures de luxe qui échappent à l'interdiction des moteurs thermiques en 2035, les dérogations pour l'arrosage des golfes ... ça commence à se voir que la sobriété écolo ne concerne pas pas riches : c'est socialement intenable.

Hi! I'm Camila, an artist and illustrator with a love for fantasy and horror.
I've worked with novel covers, concept art and games in general. I lean towards character art but try to keep a broader focus to cultivate the toolset needed for my own weird projects.

Looking forward to meeting other creatives!
#introduction #art #painting #illustration

Deuxième partie de l'entrevue avec, professeur et chercheur suspendu par l' pour avoir émis des doutes sur le bien-fondé de la campagne de , en particulier pour les .


I'm spending the next 100 days creating visual summaries of great productivity books.

I'm starting with Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte.

This is a visual of his PARA system. Here's how I made it.




@biguenique @cambridgeport90 @koherecoWatchdog the main reason was performance and requirements. Gitlab took 3-4 GB of RAM on my server, and it was a mix of several fat Ruby services. Gitea only takes 150-200 MB,way less disk space, and only one service running.

Then there was the fact that Gitlab recently broke git and gitaly now provides its own executable. This is another no go for me: a git server should be able to deal with the vanilla git, not push its own implementation.

Lastly, Gitlab's recent desperate moves towards profitability and its main focus on paying business customers and cloud hosting reminded me that it's bad to use a product made by a company that doesn't prioritize your use-case.

De nos jours, la sphère communicationnelle semble dominée par des considérations « marketing », et chacun clame son opinion en considérant l'opinion adverse -- justement -- comme celle d'un adversaire, qu'il convient d'écraser en faisant plus de bruit que lui. (Avouons que le cartel techno-politico-pharmaco-financier y a récemment fortement contribué.)

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Il semble en effet qu'un minimum d'empathie, de considération mutuelle soit nécessaire pour qu'une discussion conduise à une fructueuse réflexion de part et d'autre, pour que notre propre représentation d'un problème donné puisse évoluer de manière à y aménager une place aux considérations bien réelles de nos opposants.

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J'entends souvent dire (et je le pense également) qu'on aurait grand besoin de plus de débats sur les questions sociales, particulièrement les plus clivantes. Mais je réalise une chose, peut-être plus importante encore que la question des débats : apprendre à connaître les personnes avec qui on n'est pas nécessairement d'accord (voire : vraiment pas), ça aide à comprendre leurs sensibilités, leur expérience, leur provenance, et à faire sens de leur position sur telle ou telle question...

De superbes images images prises par le télescope James #Webb

Ici, Proxima du Centaure, la plus proche étoile de notre système solaire à 4 années-lumière.
De quoi faire naître de l'appétit pour l'astronomie ?
(source : twitter)

📖 #ebooks migration, from my #Kindle account to my local cloud, completed ✅

It took me a while to do the jump. I had a library on my Kindle with a few hundreds books. I invested a few hundreds bucks over more than a decade to buy ebooks and create my digital library.

I felt very uncomfortable whenever I thought of those precious resources being lost in somebody else's cloud, while the money I paid only granted me the permission to _view_ the content provided by Amazon's servers, _only_ on the devices compatible with Kindle resources, _only_ using the software built by Amazon, and _only_ using Amazon's closed formats. Anything outside of that clearly defined perimeter is illegal. A suspension of my #Amazon account would be sufficient to lock me out of my library. And I probably have no easy way of passing those books to my kid, like parents used to do with their kids before surveillance capitalism came over. I just couldn't accept all of this. But, on the other hand, Kindle provided a very comfortable ecosystem, and that motivated my reluctance.

Now I've finally made the jump though, and I couldn't be happier.

- I used #Calibre to convert all of my Kindle books to .epub. However, the DeDRM plugin ( didn't work out of the box - Amazon has probably come up with some other twists on their KNX compression+encryption to make our lives harder. What worked though was to download the purchased books one by one through the "Download to device over USB" option at - a lengthy process, but at least I got the ebooks in the AZW* format that Calibre and DeDRM could digest.

- I moved all the .epub files on a path shared through #NextCloud - hopefully when the ebook reader apps for NextCloud get fixed my NC interface could also become a place to read my books.

- I installed #Ubooquity ( on my local server, and enabled the #OPDS feed. Make the server accessible over my VPN, set up an nginx reverse proxy with HTTPS, and that's all you need. Big kudos to the development team for building a Java app that manages somehow to be lightweight!

- After trying many apps (most of the ebook reader apps on F-Droid have a UI that feels so 2000s), I settled for #FBReader, which comes with a decent UI and good support for OPDS feeds out of the box. The only downside is that bookmark synchronization only works over Google Drive, and it requires the version hosted on the Play Store to work. It'd be nice to support NextCloud, or (even better) any virtual storage exposed by Android.

Except for the synchronization still working over Google Drive, I'm happy for finally making the jump - now I feel like my kid will have something to read even if dad's Amazon account gets suspended, or if Amazon at some point in the future goes out of business.

I'll probably still have to buy some books from the Kindle store (especially when it comes to recent books), but I'll always make sure to convert them to .epub and add them to my open library as soon as I get them on my devices.

#Gitlab will delete repositories on free accounts that haven't recorded any activities for a year.

I still sporadically receive emails and support requests for SnortAI_Preproc, a machine learning pre-processor for Snort that I built more than 12 years ago for my M.Sc thesis. Even though the repo itself hasn't seen any activities for >10 years, it keeps getting stars and followers. Under Gitlab's new policy, I would have had to push a stupid commit every year for the past 10 years just to keep it alive.

And my project isn't even an outlier. These patterns are especially common in academic software, where a researcher or a graduate student may bump into your projects months or years after its latest commit.

And this is not to mention preservation: some software may have been actively developed and used in the past, lost momentum at some point for any variety of reasons, and deleting would prevent any later developer from resurrecting it, or from preserving it for historical purposes.

Being a large host of open-source software and planning to delete software that hasn't been updated in a while is like being in charge of a museum and destroying the items that visitors haven't shown interest in the past few months.

If Gitlab has decided to prioritize profit margins over their responsibility to reliably host our free contributions to the world, then they no longer deserve to host anything.

I'm very happy I successfully completed my migration to a self-hosted #Gitea instance just a few weeks ago, and I don't have to cope anymore with shitty companies that still think that other people's open-source software must be something to exploit for their own profit.

Deuxième partie de l'entrevue avec Patrick Provost, professeur et chercheur suspendu de ses fonctions par l'Université Laval pour avoir émis des doutes sur le bien-fondé de la campagne de vaccination COVID, en particulier pour les enfants. Partie 2 de 3. @steph @Jocelyn_C @biguenique

#NextCloud CEO and founder Frank Karlitschek was approached by a #Microsoft lawyer earlier this year to make a deal.

In the meeting, the Microsoft correspondent offered benefits in the form of collaboration and marketing to Nextcloud. For example, they wanted to promote the Nextcloud logo in Microsoft marketing material – if Nextcloud would consider dropping its anti-trust complaint.

Microsoft used to be a company of jerks, liars and cheaters 40 years ago, it remains a company of jerks, liars and cheaters today.

RT Un vaccin douteux à des enfants qui sont zéro en danger.

Ce serait pour protéger Grand Papa qui a 4 doses 😳

Place de débiles 💊

Bravo aux parents de débarquer de ce cirque.




As a PhD physicist, and proven interdisciplinary scientist, I can say that this MP is authentic, understands what she is saying, and is correct!
How often does that occur with complex arguments?
The has real talent, IMO.


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